Cancellation, Returns & Exchange
- Cancellation and refund is not possible against any orders
- We are trying hard to serve your order to your appropriate products and sizes. In case if you received the wrong product or it's unfit to your size, you can exchange your product within 5 days of delivery. To initiate an exchange, please write to within 5 days of receiving the item.
- The order has to be shipped by the customer with the tracking ID sent to us on the same email thread where you have requested for an exchange.
- Once we receive the returned item, you will be informed with a confirmation that we will process the exchange within 7-10 business days
- All the exchanges received will go through inspection by our team and would be further approved/declined for exchange depending on the quality and condition in which the product is returned
- All returned products must be hygienic, unused or unwashed or undamaged and returned with the original packing and tags when we receive it. Items without tags will not be accepted.
- We reserve the right to not accept a return if above conditions are not met
- In case, the order does not meet the above conditions, the exchange request will not be processed and your order will be sent back to your picked up address.
- The exchange once confirmed has to be shipped by the customer with the tracking ID sent to us on email, on the same email thread.
- Once we receive the returned item, we will process the exchange within 7-10 business days.
- In case you receive a damaged / defective product, we should be notified within 24 hours of delivery. Also, we request you to email us a photograph of the damaged / defective product on In case you fail to intimate about the same, return/exchange might not be processed.
- Exchange can be done on the same product for the size only once. And not for any other product or color
- Exchanges are subject to availability, and we cannot guarantee that the size you need will be in stock. If the size you need is not available, we will issue you a credit note
- The credit note is valid for 2 months from the date of issue.
- Articles purchased on any promotion/ sale are not eligible for return/ exchange or refund.
- For Every used or inappropriate product received in Returns from the customer will be returned back to the customer and shipping will be charged.
- Products purchased in Sale or offers would NOT be eligible for returns and exchange.
* In case of return on an order, the amount will be credited back to the customer in the form of credit note only We hope this policy helps you shop with confidence at Grey Area. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team for assistance.